A night out
After work I nipped down to the beach for a swim and then returned for the guest house to shower and get ready to go out for cocktails and dinner with Aubs and a friend, Mellissa. I had met Mellissa on a previous trip to the Seychelles at a beach braai. I was waiting on my balcony when I heard a car arrive and ran down to see if it was Aubs but it was a taxi with a French couple who had booked into the guest house. Needless to say, there were no staff to meet them. So there the two of them were, standing with there suitcases, in the dark, not know what to do. The security guard ask me if I had a cellphone to call the manageress as she had no air time on her phone but there was no chance I was going to allow her to use my SA phone for that. I told her that if they wait a few minutes Aubs will be there and he will help them. Sure enough Aubs arrived and handed over his phone. They got hold of someone to come let them into a room and he arrived as we were leaving. It really is quite ...