A few days in Antananarivo, Madagascar

What a relief after the last trip’s crazy delays on Kenya Airways to be back on South African Airways whose flights were all on time. Well actually that is not true – they left on time and both arrived early – always a bonus. Arriving in Tana is a bit of a trying experience. It takes forever to get through immigration and once through immigration you have to run the gauntlet of all the porters trying to take your suitcase to wherever you are going. I got a little cross though because I managed to avoid all the porters and found the driver of the hotel’s bus but when we got to the bus there was a smartly dressed man waiting there who took my suitcase, put it in the bus and then demanded I pay him. All this while the bus driver was grinning his head off! Well I just told the guy to get lost because I never asked him to lift my suitcase up on little step and his shouting at me for a tip was annoying. Eventually he got the message and moved on to another victim. So I started the long...