All FINSSed out!
My head feels like it has been steam-rolled! The program has so many aspects and trying to remember how everything works is tricky. We started with a general introduction to FINSS had a tea break and then got down to installing the software on each of our laptops. This took TWO hours! Obviously installation proceeded at the pace of the slowest user and in some cases this was really, really slow. So we would be told one aspect and then had to wait for everyone to get to that point - very frustrating. Thankfully though everyone had a working copy and we went for lunch.

The afternoon sessions were very technical introductions to some of the modules and included numerous references to programming language which were so far over my head. I think though that once we start getting our hands on the modules and using them, things will fall into place but for now I can't grasp exactly how useful the programme will be.
On a different note, I am so glad that I didn't have to fly through Johannesburg yesterday. The poor people who came from the Seychelles were diverted to Durban because the thunderstorm over Gauteng was so bad. They had to wait out the storm in the plane in Durban and could only fly back to Johannesburg once the storm had passed which meant that they missed their connection to Cape Town and had to wait in the airport until this morning to get a new connection. So essentially they were in transit for 28 hours! Once again I am glad it wasn't me.
I am planning on having an early night tonight so that tomorrow I will be able to absorb as much information as possible.
The only photo today is one I took last night at dusk of the mountain and I will try to come up with something better for tomorrow.
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