A long day
When I woke up this morning the ocean looked like a lake and the air was so still. It was really beautiful. Later the wind came up and this was a relief after the heat of the last few days. At lunchtime it even looked like we could get a bit of rain but the clouds just passed by. It is supposed to be the rainy season at the moment but the drought is persisting.
This morning's session was set aside so that those component coordinators who had not completed their data formatting could do so before we started on the uploading process. All my tables were complete so I spent the morning doing all sorts of other work and the morning seemed to drag on forever.
After lunch though we started to learn how to work with the data server and how we have to import our tables. We were then set loose on the server to play around with our data and to figure out how it all worked. The server, however, did not stand up to our efforts and eventually refused to do anything. Fortunately the programmer is with us so he spent the rest of the afternoon trying to sort out the problems. The group resorted to discussing issues we had experienced with the various reference terminology used in the database. At six pm we had discussed all that could be discussed so we were allowed to return to the hotel.
So now I am going to settle down with my book and relax.
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