Last day in Tanzania
The last full day in Tanzania is underway. I really should have followed by boss' example and left today to go home but unlike him, I didn't book my own air tickets so I am here at the will of the project. It is a beautiful sunny day today, probably the nicest we have had so far and still we are stuck in a meeting room instead of being on the beach. The beach, however, might not be such a good idea. One of the participants went for a walk on the beach this morning and was mugged. I'm not sure why he was carrying his wallet with him but now he is no longer has it in his possession at all.
I suppose before I talk about today though I should go back to last night. Our session was moved later to start at 20:30 because we only paused for dinner at 19:15! In the end the session only got underway at around 21:00. Just after ten pm I gave up and went to bed but apparently it only lasted until eleven pm.
This morning was the start of a new meeting with some different participants as well as some of the usual suspects and some no longer with us. It was decided to start at 10:00 because documentation developed last night had to be translated into French before the meeting could start. You would think that since I had the opportunity to sleep a bit late that I would actually do this - no such luck! At 04:45 I was wide awake. After hearing about the mugging, I am glad that I decided to just have a cup of tea and read a book instead of going for a walk.
The meeting today is about policy decisions within the project. It really does not have anything to do with me but I am here so I have just been listening to all the discussions. The project secretary told me he thought that we would finish early today but I am not holding my breathe - these discussions are taking up quite a lot of time.
I have a few pictures for you today but the first one is from Google Earth of the hotel. The pools you see on the left are part of a water park that is billed as the biggest water park in East Africa. My room is between the tennis courts and the little pool on the beach side of the hotel.
The next few photos are from around the hotel.
The front entrance of the hotel.
Some of the wildlife around the hotel. LOL! Concrete alligators ('cause they sure aren't crocodiles) are on the edges of all the water features around the hotel entrance.
A view of the beach from a place near where we have tea.
Looking north over the lawns and sun lounging area.
Tonight will either have to be an early night or a night of no sleep. My transport leaves the hotel at 04:30 in the morning to go to the airport so I will need to be up by 03:30 to shower, pack the last of my things and check out of the hotel. And with that, I leave you until November (I think) when another adventure is due to take place. Thanks for following my blog, I hope you have enjoyed it.
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