To ABBA land
Today's outing was to Sweden, to a small ski resort called Åre. Thankfully we didn't have to hear any ABBA songs on the radio LOL!
In Sweden we also experienced the lowest temperatures: -17 degrees! It was quite chilly LOL! I was so grateful for the heater in the car every time I got back in from taking photos.
The landscape in Sweden was a little different because we were up on top of the mountains and the conifers were no longer the dominant tress. I fell in love with it!
Åre was sort of what I expect Aspen, Colorado to look like. It is ski slopes and holiday houses everywhere.
We also went looking for trolls but had no luck with that thank goodness .....
The road on the Norwegian side of the border followed a river which is slowly freezing over. There were some lovely waterfalls along the way as well as some gorgeous landscapes.
Crossing the border into Sweden was a non-event. I took my passport along just in case but it was not necessary. Below is the border post:
We stopped in a little cafe for some hot chocolate and marzipan cake and then did what quite a few Norwegians do in Sweden - we went shopping. Sweden is apparently cheaper for quite a number of things. Once we had what we wanted we started home. We stopped at a moose farm to see some of these animals but they had the afternoon off so we didn't see any! I did see this really chilled bicycle though ....
It was a really good day out but I was happy to get home this afternoon and just curl up on the couch. Tomorrow we are going to spend the day close to home relaxing.
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