Second to last working day in Zanzibar

Today was another good working day. We did, however, finish half an hour early due to the wish of some of the local participants to attend a funeral. I finished up verifying the data that they had entered during the day so in the end did not get away all that early but it was still good to leave even only a few minutes before normal.

I celebrated my liberty by going for a long walk around Stonetown. I had two objectives, firstly to find the hotel that Jo and I didn't stay at in December 1998 .... we had booked to stay there but when we arrived we discovered that it was Ramadhan and the hotel owners/managers wanted us to pay for bed and breakfast but only get the bed. We found another place instead and that is a whole different story. My second objective was to find the Anglican cathedral. Back to the hotel: I was unsuccessful for two reasons but mainly because I don't remember where it was. I have this vague idea in my head but the roads I take never seem to lead me to the place I imagine. It doesn't help that I can't remember the name so I can't ask anyone if they know where it is.

I did find the cathedral though. It is of course much easier so spot - great big spire that towers above everything else! The failure in this part of the story is that it is now on the tourist route so there is an entrance fee of TSh3500, a full TSh1000 more than I had on me. Whoever set up the gates to the cathedral were very clever too because there is no way of photographing the cathedral entrance without paying the fee to get in the gate. The reason the cathedral is a tourist attraction has nothing to do with the building at all. The cathedral is built on the piece of land that was the slave market. Apparently the cellar of the St Monica's Hostel next door was the pit in which the slaves were kept so it has all the significance of that past era.

From the cathedral I walked through the market, had a look at the fish on sale, decided to bypass the red meat section and looked at all the fruit on sale. The sun was starting to go down so I walked on to the harbour and back along the waterfront to the area where the night market is held. There were quite a lot of dhows setting sail to go fishing tonight. It is a beautiful sight. I followed a group of dhows along the shore and stopped to look at menus at some of the restaurants. I was thinking of spoiling myself tomorrow evening and going out to dinner but I can't decide where to go. There are a lot of choices and a huge range of prices. I will see tomorrow after work how I feel and then decide. Eventually the harassment by the young local men got too much and I retreated back to my hotel for some peace and quiet. They can really ruin a good sunset!

Below are a couple of photos from my walk about today, hope you enjoy them.

 Another dhow!
 On the streets of Stonetown
 I like clocks, not sure why
 Some local apartments
 A beautiful tree-lined avenue
 Calamari anyone?
 You really sure about wanting calamari?
 The fish market - wish I could share the smell with you :-)
 Fruit and veggies outside
 A flotilla of dhows
 The wildlife
My hotel - Abuso Inn


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