Slip, slip, sliding ....

Last night I was so tired that I skipped the movie and just read for a while but at 8pm my eyes could no longer stay open! I retired to bed thinking I would sleep the sleep of the dead but alas this was not to be. The bed is a three quarter bed and clearly quite well used. The side away from the wall has sort of collapsed so there is a downhill slope away from the wall. I kept on waking up thinking that I was sliding down and about to drop off onto the floor!
The offending bed 

The view from my window

The workshop was supposed to start at 8:30 today but everyone only arrived at 9:00. I'm glad I told them 08:30 because they probably would have arrived at 09:30 if I had made the start 09:00. I'm not complaining too loudly though as they came prepared and have really done a lot. So I am quietly confident that they will finish before I have to leave on Thursday. It also really helps that half of the group have participated in the project before and are able to show the other half how it is done. This is especially useful since my Portuguese is non-existent!
Rui and Ana Maria 

Ronald and Gilberto

The workshop finished at 15:30 as everyone needed to get back to the institute to get their transport home. I was fine with this as it meant I could go for a walk around the neighbourhood before it gets dark. This time I walked to the downtown area first because I figured it would be safer to be in the residential areas after four thirty. The walk was good after spending the day sitting around. I still can't get over how little exercise it is possible to do on these trips. Before my walk outside I had only taken 1300 or so steps - not much at all! Anyway here are a couple of photos from this afternoon.
 Just some seagulls having a rest

Fishers returning from their day out

And that is my story for today ...all in all a good day! Take care everyone.


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