Winter in Mauritius
I find myself back in Mauritius for the second of three visits to this beautiful island this year. It is the first time I have been here in the middle of the year and it is definitely the coolest I have experienced it. But let me go back a bit.
I was meant to be in Mauritius for two meetings, one today and then one next week from Monday to Wednesday, but after the air tickets had been booked the first meeting was cancelled. Initially I was going to change my flights to only leave Durban on Sunday but then decided that it would be a better idea to take a day's leave for today and have a nice long relaxing weekend here.
Yesterday morning I really struggled to wake up for the early morning drive to the airport. I had spent the previous evening with some friends from school days, some of whom I had not actually seen since the last day of school many, many moons ago. It was completely worth seeing them so the late night packing session and small amount of sleep were more than fine with me. Eventually I got myself going and the day ended up being far more pleasant than I expected. The Durban-Johannesburg flight was amazing: a gentle take-off, absolutely no turbulence up to Johannesburg (can only be winter for that to happen) and a gentle landing. I sauntered from the domestic side to the international side thinking I had plenty of time until boarding for the next flight but discovered that the queues at immigration were unbelievably long! I eventually had to skip to the front of the line much to the initial displeasure of two little old ladies but when I explained that my flight was about to start boarding they were okay with it and very friendly too. Of course my boarding gate was right at the other end of the terminal so as soon as my passport was stamped I dashed madly across and made it in time thankfully.
The flight was very full with South African families going on holiday and I ended up sitting next to two little girls (aged about 6 and 8) who were separated from their parents who were sitting further back. Their mother settled them in and then told me that she gave me full permission to punish them if they were naughty (yikes!). They were as good as gold though and the little one and I hit it off immediately. We spent most of the flight building jigsaw puzzles, drawing (only a 6 year old would be impressed with my drawing skills) and playing her own made up version of naughts and crosses, weighted so that she won every time (clever girl). They both made me laugh after the announcement was made that we were descending as they asked me about every two minutes if we were on the ground yet!
Immigration was a breeze and my suitcase was one of the first on the carousel so I got out quickly and my prearranged taxi driver, Fawaz, was outside waiting for me. We sped off to Flic en Flac and the apartment I am renting for the week. The apartment is owned by Fawaz's father. I was going to stay in another apartment recommended by a friend but this apartment is closer to the meeting venue and was a little bit cheaper. It is not quite on the beachfront but only a minute's walk away and in a quiet area.
I unpacked a few things and then went to the local shop to get some essentials: milk, coffee, cereal and dinner. It was nice to settle into the place and know that there won't be staff wondering in and out of my space all week. I really am over staying in hotels and this suits me perfectly because I have more privacy and I can eat what I feel like cooking for dinner.
I spent the evening watching a film and then retired to bed with my Kindle. As I mentioned it is winter here and it was a little chilly. The riotously coloured bed cover was not enough to keep me warm and I had to go searching for a blanket. One would think that all those colours together would just have to give off heat but alas not!
I slept on and off as I had a couple of mosquito bites on my fingers and they itched madly in the night. The bed was comfortable though so hopefully the bites will stop troubling me soon. I spent the day relaxing with walks on the beach, a bit more grocery shopping (to get more than the basics), more walking on the beach, reading and finally sorting out a local internet connection.
This evening I made Pasta al la Warriorbern which was basically mince meat with a tomato based sauce and torti pasta. I made enough so that I have some for tomorrow's dinner too - then I will be even lazier! All that is missing is a glass of wine but maybe I will still get some
or at the very least a Phoenix beer or two.
What a wonderful prospect though .... another two days of sun, sea and relaxation!
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