Beach and Carnival
It has been a really relaxing weekend filled with going to the beach, reading and finally watching a carnival. The only downside was that the peace and quiet of Thursday and Friday have been shattered with endless parties that seemed start at lunch time on Saturday and went through the night until mid-morning today. While I don't mind the loud music at all, I do take exception to the yelling and shrieking laughter. I'm not really sure what they were up to last night. Initially it sounded like they were watching some form of sport and celebrating a goal or something - the music would get cranked up 10 more notches and the guys would scream madly. Eventually though I decided it couldn't be sport because it just went on way too long. There must have been some very sore heads today!
So here follows some photos from the beach and the Flic and Flac Carnival which happened this afternoon.
The divers' departure point
A stretch of paradise
Some little fish in the shallows
The sea in a different direction
Beauty queens and vintage cars were in abundance at the carnival
A dodo walks the street
Everyone wanted a good view point - these guys had the best view from the top of the telephone booths
The place was packed with people making it difficult to take photos
A Chinese dragon
The carnival was a celebration of cultural diversity
Dancing in the street .....
African drummers
Mandatory drum majorettes
Jazz band
A mermaid for the boys
Even Mickey and Minnie were there
Guy on stilts - I only took this picture because he had such impressive abs!!!!
Pirate fire dancers
I think this group were trying to imitate the Rio Carnival
This was a cart horse and his handler who brought up the rear of the parade
It has been a big change to have some time off before a meeting and I am now ready to face the next few days. This evening will be spent going over my presentation and re-reading all the documentation sent out for this meeting so that I am well prepared for the morning.
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