Last Work Day in Mauritius

At the end of yesterday's work session we had a nice little surprise. It was the Ship Logistic Coordinator's birthday and the hotel made her a cake which was delivered to the meeting room along with a customised birthday song. It was the last thing she expected and we all appreciated the cake.
Teresa with her cake

After work I met up with my good friend Kizzie for a long catch-up session over a beer, olives and peanuts. We only had one beer because the price was pretty outrageous at Rs180 (R50/$5.90) for a small beer. Luckily neither of us are huge drinkers so the one drink sufficed.
The bar where Kizzie and I had our drinks

Today is my last day in the meeting as tomorrow I will be returning home. The session today was for reviewing recommendations for the project and also a continuation of the budget discussions. Nothing too exciting actually. So today's blog is really short and I leave you with two photos:
The view I wish I had

The view I do have


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