Internet issues, sunburn. etc.

My lack of communication over the last few days has been directly related to the quality (or lack there of) of the internet connection available in the hotel. We finished work on Saturday afternoon at about 2 pm and I was struck down with a severe case of laziness. The long work days had taken their toll and it was not possible for me to do anything more than spend some quality time with my Kindle.

It was so good on Sunday not to have to wake up to the alarm clock but I did still see the sunrise and it was worth seeing!

After breakfast, the internet disappeared and that would be the end of that until last night (Monday night). The hotel staff were not particularly keen on Sunday to investigate the problem despite most of the workshop participants complaining about it and even when they apparently did "something" to it on Monday morning, it did not return. I decided that the best thing for Sunday was to just forget about the internet and to go for a nice long walk to the town of Catembe. I walked along the beach looking at all the activities going on: women digging for sand prawns, little kids playing in the water and the young guys playing soccer. I also enjoyed looking at the wildlife (birds, crabs and jellyfish). It was a good walk which I ended with a refreshing swim in the pool at the hotel. The sun was so hot though and I got a tad sun burnt! Never even thought to bring sun block along.

Monday was much like the other work days just manipulating data into the correct formats so that they can be analysed together in a single process. We are not there yet because there is a really huge amount of data but I am sure that the end is now in sight for this part of the work. The geographical information system expert arrives today so it should get interesting fron now on as we try and map the data.

This morning I awoke to heavy rain and really enjoyed just watching it come down while sipping on a hot cup of coffee. It was so heavy at one stage that Maputo could not be seen across the water. Just before breakfast though it started to lift and through the rain I could just make out a ship leaving Maputo. The sun came out for a while but now it is raining again.


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