Leaving Dar
Here is the final blog from my trip to Tanzania. I was unable to post it in Tanzania due to a lack of internet connectivity but as the saying goes ... better late than never! The day for going home has finally arrived and I am really looking forward to seeing my family and pets again. This has been a good trip though and it certainly ended on a high note for me. Yesterday was the final event in the series and it was the SWIOFP Donor Awareness Conference. The purpose of this conference was to showcase to the donors of the region some of the research that has been completed under the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project and also to expose the researchers to the funding initiatives that are available to them. In typical African style it started an hour late because the Deputy Permanent Secretary, who was to open the proceedings, arrived late. Things eventually got started with some traditional dancers entertaining us in the hall, followed by some short addresses by v...