Leaving Dar

Here is the final blog from my trip to Tanzania. I was unable to post it in Tanzania due to a lack of internet connectivity but as the saying goes ... better late than never!

The day for going home has finally arrived and I am really looking forward to seeing my family and pets again. This has been a good trip though and it certainly ended on a high note for me.

Yesterday was the final event in the series and it was the SWIOFP Donor Awareness Conference. The purpose of this conference was to showcase to the donors of the region some of the research that has been completed under the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project and also to expose the researchers to the funding initiatives that are available to them. In typical African style it started an hour late because the Deputy Permanent Secretary, who was to open the proceedings, arrived late. Things eventually got started with some traditional dancers entertaining us in the hall, followed by some short addresses by various guests of honour and one very, very long speech by the Deputy PS.

Next on the schedule was supposed to be three presentations: two about the large projects that have been running concurrently in the region (the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project and the Agulhas Somali Current large Marine Ecosystem Project) and one about an output from both projects. The programme came to a sudden halt though when the electricity went out. Usually in Tanzania, the hotels are geared for these blackouts and the generators kick in fairly quickly but nothing happened and after sitting in the dark for a while everyone decided the best would be to get some fresh air and exited the hall. We were kept entertained outside with some more dancing.

Amazingly as the dance routine was concluded the generator came to life and we all filed back into the hall to continue with the programme. I ended up having to give my presentation second to last and by the time they were ready for me it was already seven thirty in the evening. My presentation was very well received thank goodness but I think people liked it because it was short and to the point - by that time of the evening they were all feeling a little worse for wear.

After all the presentations were done we were invited to move to the poolside to enjoy some snacks, drinks and a little jigging around on the dance floor. I left my funky chicken dance aside and spent the evening chatting to some of the people who are trying to get another big regional project going. It will be great if they can provide some funding for my project and they certainly seem quite keen.

With the networking done, I headed off to bed at eleven thirty. All that remained of the trip was to pack my bags and head on home. I leave you with two photos of the sunrise and until next time take care!


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