Sunday laziness

I took advantage of a completely free day and got up slowly this morning. Eventually I got my act together and went for a huge English breakfast - well as English a breakfast as I can have without bacon, pork sausages, baked beans and eggs. Okay maybe it was closer to a Continental breakfast with the addition of beef sausages and roast potatoes! It was really good but I felt like I should go and lie on a rock in the sun to digest everything.

Instead I settled for a long walk on the beach. Initially it was frustrating being on the beach in front of the hotels as the "beach boys" were quite insistent that I go on their boat to see the reef. Once I got beyond the hotels though I was pretty much alone on the beach and had a very enjoyable time poking around in the rock pools, laughing at the crabs defending their territories and watching the yellow-billed storks and grey herons fishing. Eventually though the heat pushed me off the beach.

The next excursion was to the Nakumatt store to buy coffee for one of my work colleagues. He has this ridiculous love of AfriCafe coffee which is a positively disgusting instant coffee but he likes it and so I try get it for him when I am in Kenya. It also gave me an excuse to buy some decent coffee for myself - the real stuff.

In the afternoon I curled up with a book until the sun had lost most of its venom and then had a lovely swim. That reminded me of the one thing I hate about this hotel - the pool's hours are from 8am to 6pm which means there will be very little swim time during the week. I leave for work at around 8am and very seldom am I back before 6pm. The other thing about this hotel which is more amusing than anything else is the wiring. Last year, the kettle in my room would only work if the room's main lights were on. This time the kettle only works if the mini-fridge is unplugged even though there is power in the sockets.
The view from my room - the sport pool in the background.

The beach to the north of my hotel. I walked to the furtherest point this morning.

The beach to the south of the hotel.

One of the other pools at the hotel. There are three all together.


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