More Svalbard

Another night of sunlight ... I think I am over it now! I need darkness to sleep properly and felt like a bit of a zombie when I got up. Today we went looking for polar bears again as well as foxes but had no luck with either. It was a beautiful day again with just a light breeze blowing and full sunshine. We saw quite a lot of reindeer and went to the museum. The museum was really interesting. It had a section on the early explorers with some of their equipment and clothing. It is amazing how those men survived (some not) with such inadequate gear. After the museum we watched the coast guard ship come through the broken ice and then went for coffee and cake before returning home.
 The Longyearbyen church
 The flying ambulance
 Reindeer eating
 More reindeer eating
 Sleeping reindeer
 Ice water and mountains
 The global seed bank
 Probably the only polar bear I will see - the stuffed one at the museum
 The entrance to the university and polar institute
The coastguard ploughing through the broken ice

We have one more morning in Svalbard before flying to Tromso tomorrow afternoon. Since the sun is up most or all of the night we will do as much sightseeing as possible - maybe no time for a blog until Thursday.

Good night everyone!


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